Saturday, September 5, 2015


Dragon fruit grows best in uniformly distributed rainfall throughout the year. It prefers free-draining soil with sandy to clay loam types, 5.3 – 6.7 pH and high organic matter in the soil. Optimum elevation is 100 to 800 meters above sea level preferably with 30% shade to full sun. The use of stem cutting is a means of propagation and the time of planting to fruit production may be up to 7 years. Usually entire stem segments of 6 – 15 inches (12 – 38 centimeters) are use. A slanted cut is made at the stem base, then cuttings are 12-hour soaked-treated with 2 teaspoon Full Harvest Microbial Inoculant plus 1 teaspoon Full Harvest Root and Leaf Fertilizer added with water of one (1) matured coconut with 3 teaspoons VGFS Fast Acting Potash-Rich Organic Liquid Fertilizer mixed with 16-20 liters potable water and then left to cure (dry and heal) for 7 to 8 days in a dry, shady location before they are planted directly in the field or in a well drain media in pots. In this method, stem cuttings grow very fast (1.2 inches per day) and produce fruit in 6 to 9 months after planting.
Dragon fruit may become quite large and spreading, and therefore individual plants should be planted 15 to 25 feet (4.5 meters – 6.1 meters) or more away from trees, structures, and electric lines. A strong trellis should be established that may withstand several hundred pounds of stem weight. Recommended planting distance is 3 meters between concrete posts and 4 meters between rows. Planting is done at 3-4 plants per post. For direct rooted cuttings may be planted at 15 cm away from the post at an angle leaning towards the post at 5 cm depth.
A month before planting, broadcast 5-10 sacks of VGFS Humified Plant Growth Stimulant on top of soil where are you going to plant dragon fruits. Soil Conditioning and Bio-remediation.
Twenty (20) days before planting, plow, harrow and rotation of the soil as preparation for planting.
Fifteen (15) days before planting, mix the opened pack of Full Harvest Microbial Inoculant plus 3 kilos crude brown sugar into 160-200 liters of fresh and potable water then stored for 12 hours and further added with 4 liters VGFS Calcium Phosphate Natural Liquid Fertilizer to decompose soil organic matter as well as eliminate soil-borne pests and diseases. Spray directly to the prepared and readied soil for dragon fruit planting.
A day before planting, soil feed 500 ml Full Harvest Root & Leaf Fertilizer mixed with 160-200 liters water in order to control soil pH.
A week after planting, soil feed by mixing 5 liters of VGFS Fast Acting Nitrate-Rich Natural Liquid Fertilizer added with 3 liters of VGFS Calcium Phosphate Natural Liquid Fertilizer into 160-200 liters water and spray directly to the base of each planted stems to supply needed nutrients during early vegetative stage.
A month after planting, mixed 1 kilo Full Harvest Microbial Inoculant added with 2 kilos crude brown sugar plus 250 liters Full Harvest Root and Leaf Fertilizer into 160-200 liters of potable water and then store for 12 hours then further add 2 liters of VGFS Calcium Phosphate Natural Liquid Fertilizer. Spray directly at the base of each plant to serve as Soil Fertility Load Maintenance.
Three (3) months after planting, leaf feed by mixing 250 ml of Full Harvest Root & Leaf Fertilizer into 160-200 liters water and then directly spray as fine as a mist into the stem of dragon fruit from 5pm-sunset to correct nutrient deficiencies and to eliminate other limiting factors.
Five (5) months after planting, leaf feed by mixing 250 ml of Full Harvest Root & Leaf Fertilizer into 160-200 liters water and then directly spray as fine as a mist into the stem of dragon fruit from 5pm-sunset as correction spray based on leaf color chart
Seven (7) months after planting, mix 1 kilo Full Harvest Microbial Inoculant added with 3 kilos crude brown sugar plus 4 liters VGFS Fast Acting Potash-Rich Organic Liquid Fertilizer into 160-200 liters of fresh and potable water then store for 12 hours further added with 4 liters VGFS Fast Acting Nitrate-Rich Natural Liquid Fertilizer before leaf feed application. Spraying directly to the stem of each plant will provide elimination of carbon dioxide as limiting factor.
Eight (8) months after planting, mix 250 ml of Full Harvest Root & Leaf Fertilizer plus 4 liters VGFS Fast Acting Potash-Rich Organic Liquid Fertilizer with 160-200 liters of water then spray directly to the dragon fruit stem as fine as a mist from 5pm until sunset to supply needed nutrition during pre-flowering stage. (Later in December to mid-March)
Nine (9) months after planting, mix 500 ml of Full Harvest Root & Leaf Fertilizer plus 4 liters VGFS Fast Acting Potash-Rich Organic Liquid Fertilizer into 160-200 liters of water and then spray directly to the dragon fruit stem as fine as a mist from 5pm until sunset.
Frequency of fertilizer application varies according to personal judgment and preferences. Optimum frequency and quantity depends on the plant’s response. Dragon fruit is very responsive to soil/root and leaf/foliage fertilization.
Nitrate-Rich Natural Liquid Fertilizer is necessary during vegetative growth of the plant and is reduced during dormant and replaced by leaf feeding during pre-flowering stage. Mixing 250 ml Full Harvest Root & Leaf Fertilizer plus 250 grams Full Harvest Microbial Inoculant added with 1 kilo crude brown sugar plus 4 liter VGFS Fast Acting Potash-Rich Organic Liquid Fertilizer into 160-200 liters of fresh and potable water then store for 12 hours before spraying directly into the stem/flowers/fruits of plants as fine as a mist from 5pm until sunset every after two (2) weeks during fruiting stage.
Alternately every after a week during fruiting stage, spray a mixture of 250 grams Full Harvest Microbial Inoculant plus 1 kilo crude brown sugar plus 4 liters VGFS Calcium Phosphate Liquid Fertilizer into 160-200 loiters potable water then store for 12 hours before spraying directly to the whole plant to protect newly emerging foliar buds from ants, termites, mealy bugs, borers, rodents, fruit flies, fungus and viruses and other limiting factors. You may use VGFS Insect/Avian Repellent Lantern to repel pests as an alternative.
Harvesting indices include full red coloration of the terminal petal and swelling of the navel end to the point of cracking. Based on Davao and Ilocos Norte planting, harvesting period include:'
First Cycle – June to October
Second Cycle – December to January
• Fruit is harvested from 30 to 50 days after flowering
• 5 to 6 fruit crop cycles a year (Between May and November)
• Stored at 5°C with 90% Relative Humidity and can be stored for up to 40 days
• Average weight per fruit ranges from 200 grams to 1.2 kilos
• A single pole of dragon fruit can yield an income of P1, 000.00 a year. This means that for every hectare of land planted with 1, 000 poles of dragon fruit can run as much as P1M annually. The dragon fruit plant has a life span of 50 years.
• Dragon fruit costs around P120.00 – 150.00 per kilo. A 3-year old dragon fruit plant can produce 5, 000 to 6,000 kilos per hectare amounting to P720, 000.00 in a local market alone.

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